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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Isabel Helen Johnson
4.14.1924 - February 25, 2024

Place of Birth: Munich, North Dakota
Residence: Jordan, Montana formerly of Sidney, Montana
Age: 99

Emily (Kuylen) Hoff (Sidney)
Mar 5, 2024
My heartfelt sympathy for your loss, Isabel was a part of my childhood and she holds a special place in my heart. Hold on to the memories, hugs and prayers.
Violet Tharp
Mar 6, 2024
My sympathies to the family. She was a regular customer at JCPenney's and a delight to visit with. She always wore a smile.
Debra Gilbert (Martinsdsle, Montana)
Mar 7, 2024
Sending sympathies to the family. I was the site manager at Crestwood and moved this lovely lady into the Crestwood facility. Wow! Almost 100 years young. RIP Isabel.
Sheryl (Billings, MT)
Mar 20, 2024
I remember her faithfulness to Christian Women's Club & her smile. I know you'll miss her. Sincere sympathy to her family. May the Holy Spirit comfort your hearts.
Sherry Anderson (Sidney , Montana)
Jun 15, 2024
Isabel was a great lady, fun to be around, worked at the moose with her sister Sally. I would see her there at dances, and at coffee with her friend, she was a very sweet lady.