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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Leilani Gale Martin
1.18.1946 - June 16, 2024

Place of Birth: Bottineau, North Dakota
Residence: Williston, North Dakota
Age: 78

Linda (Montgomery) Lee (Billings, Montana)
Jun 18, 2024
Dear Patty and family; I'm so saddened to hear that beautiful Leilani (Loni) passed away! She was certainly a great influence on my early working career and I will forever cherish our friendship! I always loved her first name was beautiful!! Rest in peace Leilani!!
Tammie Hill (Bismarck , ND)
Jun 18, 2024
To Loni’s family, with deepest sympathies, my heart breaks for you. I, like Linda Lee, worked with Loni at American State Bank in the proof department. I will always remember those days with great fondness and I, too, loved her name, Leilani. May you find comfort knowing she rests in the loving arms of Jesus.
Thank you, Loni for all the wonderful memories!!
Charelle Johnson
Jun 18, 2024
I'm so sorry for your families loss. She was such a close friend to my grandma Isy for many many years. I remember babysitting her grandkids when I lived next door to her. Cherish the memories you all had together.
Jeanne Knudsvig & Bonnie Smith
Jun 19, 2024
Sending prayers for all of you! Keep her memories close to your hearts to help you through the days ahead..
Sincere sympathy
Jeanne & Bonnie Smith
Marlyce Hegdahl-Wilkerson (Senoia, GA)
Jun 21, 2024
Leilani was a childhood friend and playmates in Bottineau many years ago. Often wondered where she was as memories of her, and her family have just popped up from time to time over the years. Condolences to family; she was a good friend.
Audrey Daum (Wailuku, Hawaii)
Aug 4, 2024
To my “oh so special, first born sister”…it’s been a few weeks now since you left us and you are SOOOOO MISSED!!! Laurie, Nancy and I have lost our other member of our “squad” and the void is immeasurable!! I’m so glad that you made the move from North Dakota to Washington when you did. You and I made the trip back to Williston and got you moved on our own, and when you arrived in Yakima, Nancy had your room ready, and you stayed with her for a few weeks. Not long after, the two of you found the perfect apartment for you, and you just LOVED it!! You felt safe and secure, it was clean and comfy and overall, it was a very nice place to live…and that you did. Living a mile away from NANC, and in the same complex as Laurie…it couldn’t be more perfect!!! I can tell you, Dokka, your girls miss you dearly. And your favorite niece, our Haley girl, she misses you as well. I know you had a very strong faith most of your life soninKNOW where you are. You have to be the HAPPIEST that you’ve ever been in your life. Getting to reunite with mom, dad, Kenny boy and most of all, Jerry and Nae. You’ve had a lot of painful loss in your dear life but now, finally, you’ve been given the gift of a beautiful family reunion…even with Grandma Jo and Harold. Give them ALL my love and a hug, Dokka. Most of all, ALWAYS KNOW the place in our hearts, Laurie, Nancy, Haley and mine, that will FOREVER BE RESERVED FOR YOU, dear sister.
Love you to the moon and back, FOREVER
Jackie Cornelius (Tarzana, CA)
Aug 16, 2024
Patty and family, I am so sorry for your loss. I have many cherished memories of your mom and your family from the time I met Renae in third grade at St. Joseph’s elementary school and we grew up to be best friends. I spent many days and nights at your family home during our grade school, junior high and high school years. I was blessed to be able to continue to visit your mom after I moved away when I returned home to see family. She will be missed. God bless you all. We will see her, your dad and Renae again
David & Janice Arnson (Williston , ND)
Aug 16, 2024
To Patty,Jody & Family, sorry for the loss of your Mom. Out of town so unable to attend the service. Thoughts and prayers to all. Sincerely David Arnson
Audrey Daum (Wailuku, Hawaii)
Aug 18, 2024
Dokka….you’ve been gone from our world
for two months already and I miss you so darn much!!! I look at pictures of you and my heart swells with my love for you but it makes me miss you-that much more.
I love you my dear sister and I’m so glad that you
are finally at peace after your service a few days
when you were laid to rest.
God bless you now and always.
All my love to you always
Your sis, Audrey(Aud)
Nancy Carranza (Yakima, WA)
Aug 19, 2024
It’s been two months since you left us and it’s still hard to believe you’re really gone. I drive by your old apartment and with a heavy heart, I think back on the days we shared. It was just a year, but I think we packed a lot into our time together. You and your “Dollyisms” never failed to make me laugh and the stories you’d share were sometimes sad usually really funny but always worth listening to because you shed light on so many things I didn’t know. You were a treasure trove of memories and I was lucky enough to hear you talk of your childhood days staying with Grandma, the days you’d walk to Church, the friends you made along the way and all the fun times you had. I understood just how much you loved Jerry and what a “great guy” he always was to you. You loved him and the life you made together with your two little girls. I also realized how much you had lost when Jerry, and then Renae, passed away. You always had such a strong faith and seemed to be so strong, but I know that it was really hard for you to live without one of your babies and the man you loved so dearly. So with that in mind, I feel glad to know that you are with them again, and there are no more sad or lonely days for you.
You’re with God now, and you’ve got your wings my dear angel. So be at peace and kiss the ones you love and I’ll be seeing you again someday.
I love you Dokka