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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Cindy Andreasen
12.14.1967 - July 17, 2024

Place of Birth: Bridgeport, TX
Residence: Fairview, MT
Age: 56

Roger and Denise Truax (BOWIE, TX)
Jul 19, 2024
You will be greatly missed! We know you are either fishing with your dad, or catching up with the loved ones who have passed. We will miss your calls and visits, and I and very sorry about the Blue Bell not making it last summer. We loved you very much.
Mary Norgard (Fairview, Montana)
Jul 19, 2024
My sincere thoughts and prayers to Cindys family.
Crystal Stai (Sidney)
Jul 20, 2024
I was shocked when I heard about Cindy. She was one of my besties. A lot of good memories. My heart goes out to family. I will keep you in my prayers.
Christie Petty Delaney (Sidney, MT)
Jul 23, 2024
I’m so sorry to hear about Cindy. I’ve known her a long time and we ended up co-workers at Sidney Health Center. She was a great person and friend. She was a proud mama, that’s for sure. Thinking of all of you during this tough time. The picture and quote of Cindy by the race car is so her! It made me smile and laugh. Just like her.