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Fulkerson - Stevenson Funeral Home

Dennis "Denny" J. Latka
9.10.1942 - July 20, 2024

Place of Birth: Glendive, MT
Residence: Sidney, MT
Age: 81

Amy Latka (Avon, IN)
Jul 23, 2024
Den & his Great Neice Eva in 2016.
Though the moments were few, I loved every single one that I got to spend chatting horses, life, family and more with Denny (& Carmen). I'm so grateful to have known him. My heart breaks for you all.
Violet Tharp
Jul 23, 2024
Carmen and family, my heart aches for you, but rejoice for the wonderful memories you have. Denny was quite the gentleman!
Brian Volbrecht (Billings, MT)
Jul 24, 2024
You helped me a lot over the years. You taught me the desire to change and moderation can be as effective as cold turkey under duress. I'll always remember the supposed computer problems you manifested so I could come visit. I'll miss you and you'll always be in my memories.
Dr I
Jul 24, 2024
The world has lost a kind, compassionate, and gentle cowboy. Heaven has gained another beautiful angel. I always enjoyed my interactions with Denny at the clinic.
Teresa Edwards (Alamogordo, New Mexico)
Jul 24, 2024
Denny was a kind, true friend for nearly all of my life and I shall miss him. He had the unique ability to make any person he encountered feel valued and special in their own way. His impact on so many souls just can't be measured. He will be missed by multitudes but especially by his loving family. Denny lives on in the memory of his wonderful smile, beautiful twinkling blue eyes with that ready laugh as stories are told and retold. I wish all of the family comfort from those memories and also by Denny's legacy of honor, humility and great friendship to all that were fortunate enough to have shared a small part of his life. Rest easy old friend. Your star will shine bright forever.
Bob Ackerman (Rapidcity , South Dakota )
Jul 24, 2024
Such a special gifted man. I will miss his special friendship and can never thank him enough for being there in my life when I saw little light of hope. I will miss his special smile and his dancing eyes. I will miss his hand shake that always ment so much. All that I will miss but I will always charish all the special memories I have. I thank God for sharing Denny and your family for sharing his love. DENNY had a great ride with God by his side, will be missed but never forgotten.
Deacon Bob
Diahn Ruffatto (Sidney, MT)
Jul 25, 2024
Carmen & Family,
I loved to see Denny come into the bank. Every time I saw him, he greeted me with a tipped hat and gentle smile. Such a kind man. He will be missed. Prayers to all.
Mike Raney (Glendive , Mt.)
Jul 25, 2024
Denny, I will forever cherish our lil chats/talks we use to have, and especially coming out to the farm and having your cowboy coffee and just being at peace there! The world definitely needs more kind souls like you, but heaven gained a special angel. I’ll miss you Denny, RIP my friend and ride high my friend, ride high!!…
Leanne Hoagland (Glendive, MT)
Jul 25, 2024
The reason I do equine assisted therapy work and addiction counseling is because of this man right here. He was one of a kind. I use a lot of his sayings in my practice. I’m the addiction counselor I am because of him. God knew I needed a goodbye. I got to see him in Reynolds before we left for Africa. I will be forever grateful for the gift he gave me. The one conversation we had at the Prison one warm day put me on the track of being an LAC. He was a champion to many. His impact will go on in all he touched.
Jim MacDonald (Caldwell , Idaho )
Jul 27, 2024
Carmen and family, I’m so sorry to hear about Denny. You ere the best neighbors anyone could have, so kind and compassionate. Denny seemed to always have a story that made you laugh.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
All my love,
Sandi Angel (Sidney, Montana)
Jul 27, 2024
Oh my!! Dear, dear Carmen I am so very sorry for your loss as I know how much you loved Denny. My heart breaks for you. Please know that you're in my prayers. My love, through Christ our Lord, Sandi
Tim G Anderson (Beaver Bay, MN)
Jul 31, 2024
Another great friend of Bill and a great example of a man gone.